Ruben's Tube project

For the 2019 ABQ Mini Makers Faire, Make Santa Fe committed to show up with a Ruben's Tube. We decided to make a user interface that invites visitors to interacte with the device. One input device will be a Theramin.

We have a Theremin on loan ( PAIA Theremax 9505)
front panel.
We have a tube fadsfad fa fafa df adffa adfafadf ads adfadfas dfafd adsfadsf aasdfasdf as asda sdfasdfa asdfasdfasd asdfasdfas
We have a speaker with a coupler to a 4" tube.
We have a CO2 rig to flush the oxygen out of system before turning on the propane.

Hubert van Hecke
Last modified: Tue Feb 5 20:55:42 MST 2019